2023 Scholarship Golf Tournament Draws Sellout Crowd

The winning golf team from Builders Mutual poses with 2023 NCHBA President Brandon Bryant (right).
NCHBA members from across the state played Lonnie Poole Golf Course in Raleigh on Wednesday, April 26 for the 2023 Builders Classic Golf Tournament.
View Photos from the 2023 Builders Classic
The annual tournament raises money for scholarships for two- and four-year college students who have declared a major in a construction-related field. Since 2002, more than $174,000 has been awarded to 72 deserving college students.
Congratulations to the following tournament winners:
1st Place: Builders Mutual team – Andy Stiffel, Anthony Conn, Nick Robbins, Nathan Huntley
2nd Place: Bureau Builders team – Daniel Bureau, Brandon Bureau, J.B. Brewer, Jack Keefe
President’s Cup: Blair Meads – Reliant Construction, LLC, Kitty Hawk
Closest to the Pin:
- Hole #2 – Mike Young with Home Sweet Home, Mills River, NC
- Hole #6 – Chris Sanders – Haven Homes, Wake Forest, NC
- Hole #17 – Mitchell Pool – Lennar, Siler City, NC
Longest Drive: David Hughes – Upright Builders, Raleigh, NC
Raffle Winner presented by 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty: Thomas McClain – Home Sweet Home, Mills River, NC